It’s always been important for a healthcare organization to have clearly documented policies and procedures, and to properly manage those documents. Confusion can produce inefficiency and mistakes. Outdated or incorrect versions can result in negative incidents, and potentially expose the organization to legal action and/or loss of accreditation. In the current regulatory environment, it’s more important than ever to have a robust, easy-to-use healthcare software system for policy and procedure management. HealthDox offers IdTracks-Docs, a Policy and Procedure Management System specifically tailored for the needs of the healthcare industry.
For more about Healthcare policy manager please download
No more missed renewals. This feature notifies and reminds the company when a policy needs to be updated, reviewed, or is expired.
Version Control and History
This feature keeps track of the history of actions that have taken place, and allows easy access to previous versions, including renewals.
Allows the user to create a custom template, if one of our 25 pre-made templates do not meet the criteria you’re looking for; can be created in excel or pdf.
References to Regulatory Standards
Manages regulations within the state, so laws are not violated and the company is completely compliant with rules and regulations.
Enhanced Search Engine
Instead of just a general search, this feature also searches the bodies of documents.
Single Sign-on
Through the use of our single sign-on feature, by logging in, it takes the user’s credentials and applies them to every application so the user doesn’t have to keep logging in everytime.