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The quality management system offered by HealthDox will streamline your business’ process and increase efficiency with our easy-to-use software.Quality management plays a vital role in the process of controlling, ensuring and improving quality both in business operations and productivity, but it can be difficult for businesses to manage all of these issues. Through the use of our quality management solution at HealthDox, we make it easy to create and adjust processes to meet changing industry standards.Our solution allows businesses to easily identify, track, and resolve quality-related issues with root-cause analysis as well as customer and field complaints for Corrective and Preventative Action (CAPA). Through the use of our quality management, businesses are able to apply the latest quality requirements, use graphical charts to track metrics, as well as implement and respond to corrective and preventative action for non-compliance and customer complaints.

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Track Quality Measures

Automated collection and visualization of quality data.The importance  of  knowing  the  track  geometric  quality  arose  in  the  middle  of  20th  century

Root-cause Analysis 

Preventative measures are taken in order to prevent incidents due to a lack of quality care.

CAPA Tracker

Implement and track Corrective and Preventative action (CAPA) for non-compliance.


PDSA, or Plan-Do-Study-Act, is an iterative, four-stage problem-solving model used for improving a process or carrying out change.

Quality Manager 

Stays compliant with applicable quality requirements to ensure that clients are receiving quality care.

Dashboard Viewer

Graphical representations for easy decision making and prioritization.

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